ASE State Representatives

Current State Representatives:Pennsylvania - Karen Rosenburg, krosenburg@nhsd.orgNew Jersey - Laura Hubbard, and Susan Coll-Guedes, susancollguedes@gmail.comNebraska - Jeremy Johnson, jeremyljohnson@unomaha.eduOhio - Juli Dorff, …

Current State Representatives:

Pennsylvania - Margo Wunder,

New Jersey - Laura Hubbard, and Susan Coll-Guedes,

Nebraska - Jeremy Johnson,

Ohio - Juli Dorff,


How to Become a ASE State Representative

Below are the responsibilities of a ASE State Representative

  1. Gather and share state resources related to Art in Special Education for your region.

  2. Create and manage at least one form of communication to share resources.

  3. Do your best to host at least one gathering a year that addresses Art in Special Education in your region, either through your state association conference session proposals, conference meet ups, regional workshops, or other events as you are able.

  4. Nominate art educators from your state to be ASE Awardees at the state and national level.

  5. Share updates with the ASE Interest Group during our annual business/membership meeting at the NAEA convention

There are two ways to become a ASE State Representative.

1.) Using the attached document below ask your state art education association board if they’d be willing to add a ASE position to the board.

2.) If your state association board does not have room to add more board positions you can still represent your state as a ASE member within the NAEA ASE Interest Group at our membership meetings hosted at the annual NAEA Convention (as often as you are able).

When doing either of these actions please reach out to the President of ASE before moving forward with your proposals.